Anglican Memes

Fans of the Church of England are expected to stay up until Midnight on December 31st to witness the regeneration of Doctor Rowan Williams into the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury.

Eschewing a Christmas Day Special, the C of E opted for a midnight event on the brink of a New Year for the transition between the 104th Prime Lord and his successor. Controversially, the new Prime Lord of the Church of England is not a Doctor and is not expected to have a female Bishop as a travelling companion (at least for his first few series).

It is expected that the Church of England will begin marketing figurines of the new Archbishop early in 2013, together with updated versions of his trademark Sonic Crozier and unique travelling machine the TARDIS (Theological And Reflective Discussions In Synod).

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One thought on “

  1. Dear Laird, A friend sent me the following U-tube created by the Open University on the history of the English language. It’s eleven minutes long, so I ignored it for several weeks. But it was worth spending the eleven minutes when I finally got to it.

    I thought you might enjoy it. It could, I think you will agree, have only been written by a native of these fair Isles.

    Your faithful American follower,
    The Other I

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